This is a pic of my daughter's car....They had to cut the car open to get her out.
She actually had a can of soup unopened in a bag for lunch..the impact burst it open and it was all over the car...the passenger side seat was left almost untouched with the garage door opener still on the visor...I guess thats where the Angel was sitting.............
She actually had a can of soup unopened in a bag for lunch..the impact burst it open and it was all over the car...the passenger side seat was left almost untouched with the garage door opener still on the visor...I guess thats where the Angel was sitting.............

Oh, Jane, she is such a lucky girl. Her guardian angel was definitely on the job during this! My prayers go out to you both and I am glad they are joyful prayers. May God bless you both.
Oh good Lord!!! I think you're right....the Angel must have been sitting in the passenger seat!! I will remember you all in our prayers and hope that she heals quickly. That picture shocks me, but also says that obviously God has something special planned for your daughter!
Oh My!!!! It's hard to even imagine coming out of that - her angel was sure doing his job this day!! Hugs to you both!!
Oh Jane this just made my heart stop. Praise God your daughter is was not majorily hurt. Hugs and prayers to you all. How is her arm doing? Any updates?
Oh my goodness Jane........thank God for our are all in my thoughts and prayers
This picture gives me goosebumps. The power of Prayer and Guardian Angels for SURE. I am praying for your family
Jane, this just makes me cringe. I am so thankful that your daughter was not hurt more - or worse!! Wow.
OMG, Jane! I saw this then went back a couple posts and read what happened. This is awful. Thank goodness she is going to be okay; the angel was definitely with her. Will keep her in my thoughts for a speedy recovery.
oh my! so thankful your daughter is ok!! God is good!!
Ich schreibe auf deutsch, Gott hat ein Wunder getan!!! Preis sei ihm, dass Deiner Tochter nichts passiert ist, ihm gebührt alle Ehre!
Oh my Jane!! Kelley shared this picture with us. Every time I see it I thank God for sparing your daughter life. Hope she is healing well. We are praying for all of you.
My stomache did cartwheels when I saw the car. Your daughter was being protected.
Hugs and prayers to your family.
Wow! The good Lord was sure watching out for your daughter! God's protection is never luck or coincidence, it's always divine and with a purpose.
OH MY GOSH! Your lovely daughter had a hedge of protection around her! What a miracle that she walked away! Praise the Lord!
I so believe in our angels watching 0ver us. When I first looked at the picture, I could not believe anyone would have survived. Being a Mom myself, I can only imagine what you felt when you received that call. I pray for your daughter's recovery.
And yes you are right, we need to hug our loved ones everyday, because it is not our plan, but his plan. So glad there is a good story to go with this picture.
Wooooooo, that is amazing! What a miracle that she survived...she has one very powerful angel! Thank God!!
Continued prayers,
God is good! Gotta go hug my kiddos now.
Hey Jane! Could you send me your email address? I've been wanting to talk to you about a new challenge blog I'm working on and can't seem to find your email address. Mine is Thanks!! :)
Your daughter was blessed! I lost my brother many years ago because he was not wearing his seat belt. My son walked away from an accident (brusied but alive) when a bus forced him into a deep ditch... car was a write-off. (I was fine until I saw the car, how about you?). I always wondered if the kids wore their seat belts when I wasn't around, and thank God they do. I am so happy for you all. God bless.
Oh my, God was surely with your daughter. She is blessed. I pray she heals quickly. Thanks for sharing all your inspiration.
When someone sees a car like this and know how your daughter came out, the only thing that explains it is Blessed! How scary for her. If her neck can take it would you give her a big kiss and hug for me.
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